Guardians of 100 Years
Cherry Lane thanks each and every one of you who has lifted us up with your generous support during this, our darkest year, into hopeful new light: our 100th anniversary. Still standing.
We thank you.
Juan Agurcia
Diane Alianiello
Christine Amorossi
Marc Anello
Lily Applebaum
Vince Bandille
Austin Barkoski
Christiana Bartolini
Dean Beals
Amy Haber Bechelli Family
Benevity Community Impact Fund
William Berg
The Bernards
Mike Birbiglia
Ron Black
Senesi Blake
Rob Bovitz
Paul Boykas
Cynthia Brody
Mary Brownell
Laura C.
Bob Cagnazzi
Janel Callon
DeLora Cardone
Eleanor Cayre
Andrew Cedermark
Jo Certo
Ritu Chattree
Beatrice Clark
Grantham Coleman
Jennifer Collins
Liza ColΓ³n-Zayas
Eve Elberta Coulson
Credit Suisse
Rebecca Crigler
Virginia Cser
Pierce Cunneen
The Curtis W. McGraw Foundation
Max Daniels
Domenick Danza
Mary J. Davis, MBL Productions
Daniel De Benedictis
Margarida De Brito
Nicole De Castri
Barbara DeMayo
Maria Di Dia
Katie Dippold
Kathryn Donaldson
Craig Dorfman
Jennifer Dorr White
Janice Dowell
Joni and Mark Dray
Sandra Drew
Anton Dudley
Stephen Dudley
Diane Echevarria
Nate Rufus Edelman
Clara Steele Eden
Joanne Edgar
Sam Ellis
Matthew Farrell
Angelina Fiordellisi
Maria-Mary Fiordellisi
The Fiordellisi Williams Foundation
Maxime Fischer-Zernin
Liam Flaherty
Rebecca Foote
Allen Frame
Robyn Frank
Valentina Fratti
Joyce Friedman
Friedman & LaRosa, Inc.
Seychelle Gabriel
Ron Gallen
Sarah Gallen
Paul Garabedian
Mary Geerlof
Nancy Gibbs
Dan Goggin
Mary Francina Golden
Sean Gorski
Mr. and Mrs. David Gottlieb
James F. Graves
Carol Lippert Gray
Howard Grier
Ian Grunes
Carlos Gutierrez-Solana
Monica Ha
Sonny and Kathy Hagendorf
Jeannene Hansen
Lucas Hedges
Martha Henderson
Annie Henk
Chris Henry
Theresa Hernandez
Maev Hewitt
Emily Hijar
Grace Hong
Andrew M. Horn
Chris Hornauer
Howard Gilman Foundation
Toni Howell Pentecouteau
Paten Hughes
Hector Hugo
Cris & Bruce Jaffe
Jolie Jalbert Andreoni
The John Golden Fund
Meredith Johnson
Gregory and Mary Juedes
Robert and Diane Kaempf
Lara Kaiser
Sam Kallman
Dean Kassel
John W. Kaufmann
Lacy Kelly
Jerome and Harriet Kesselman
Joel Kincaid and Seth Hickel
James King
Martin Kornbluh
Eve Kornblum
Brian Kovacs
Joshua Kristal
Sue Lawless
Serafina Lawrence and Denis Blot
Emma Lee
David Lewin
Alida Lewin
Eileen Lewis
Lorie Loeb
Amy London
Carol London
Lucille Lortel Foundation
Tif Luckenbill
Arthur Lundquist
Kate Mahoney
Anne Maltz
Susan Manchester
Janio Marrero
Renita Martin
Amy Mathes
Barbara Matovu
Nicole and Brian Matty
Cynthia Mayeda
Claire Mazur
Tulis McCall
Britt Mccarney
Anna McCarthy
Jeff McCarthy
John McDermott
Shannon Clare McDermott
David and Elizabeth McFadzean
Kailey McGarvey
Debora Meltz
Charles Mills
Patrick Moberg
Ralph Monte
Eileen Moran
Elizabeth Morgan and Colleen O'Shea
Evangeline Morphos
Mary Morry
Paula and Steven Morvay
Giovanna Munafo
Leslie Neilan
Victor and Caterina Nelli
Toni Nelli
Eric Nelson
Joanne Nerenberg
New York State Council on the Arts with the support of Governor Andrew Cuomo and the New York State Legislature
William Nichols
Trevor Norwitz
NYC COVID-19 Response and Impact Fund in the New York Community Trust
Marilyn Oconnor
Irene OβGarden
Joseph O'Sullivan
Matthew Paul Olmos
Lawson A. Parker and Jody MacDonald
Nora Peck
Juliet Perrell
Pamela Perrell
Chet Peterson
Phantila Phataraprasit
Kristina Poe and Eric Cook
Mary Ellen Polson
Judi Polson
LeQuet Pringle
Marni Raab
Zack Ramadan
Lisa Ramirez
Emilio Ramos
Rotem and Shai Reshef
Leeza Richter
Joel Ripka
Anthony Roesch
Mary Lu Rubnitz Roffe
Mark Ronson
Kendall Rood
Elizabeth Rose
Julien Rose
Michele Rosen
Lynne Rosenberg
Barbara Rothman
Robin Rothstein
Susan Rubel
Jay O. Sanders and Maryann Plunkett
Randi Schaffer
Wendy Scharfman
Susanna Schrobsdorff
Kate Schwartz
Angie Scott
Matty Selman
Aileen Sheridan
David Shields
Katherine Shifke
Christine Smith
Dana Smith
Robert Smith III
Mary Sommermeyer
Kyle R. Spencer
Kacey Stamats
Kara Stapleton
Alan Stein and Gale Greenberg
Caitlin Strandberrg
Pavur Sundaresan
Eddie Tavares
Matthew Thompson
Neil Uhry Burdett
Lisa Van Curen
Jean-Claude van Itallie
Vince Vandille
Rocky Vega
Mollie Volinsky
Miljana Vujosevic
India Wanebo
Nicholas Ward
Robert Watt
Connor Weiss
Matt Williams
Wilhelmine Williams
Marcia Wilson
Bridgette Wimberly
Catherine Woods,
Sidney Erik Wright
Virginia Wylly
Michi Yanagishita
David Youse
Lois Yuen
Carole Ann Zappia
Katy Zehner
Barry Zelikovsky
Ceren Zorlu
19 Anonymous Friends